UPDATE command denied to user 'zsme_leonardo'@'localhost' for table 'leon_settings' Uczestnicy #3 - Leonardo.zsme.pl
Aktualności · Pobierz · Linki · Kontakt14 December 2024 / 16:53
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Uczestnicy #3

Mateusz Niewelt

I am a man of calm, pleasant, happy to know new people and easily ties in with them and he finds himself in a good working team. I belong to those conscientious, able to perform the tasks assigned to me. I am a man that sets binding targets and Consistently them out. In addition, I characterized by consistency in action and responsibility in their work. My advantage is the ability to quickly learning from other people. I am a person who is interested in many things beyond computers and electrics also is interested in sports, music and cars.

Konrad Pawlik

Working with networks and computers has always been my passion. I am also aware of the fact that, every couple of months the computer technology keeps updating and so do I. I am friendly and honest person who understands meaning of hard working.I easily learn new things and I am open to new challenges.I can work efficiently both in a team and individually. My hobby is driving a motorcycle. I like playing computer games, listen to rock music and I love to play asg or paintball.

Dominik Ptaszek

Currently I'm studying in secondary school – 3. I do various things like computer repair (repair and install systems, small repairs inside computer, configuring a router, WLAN and other). Also i can repair and upload a firmware to mobile phones. I can organize my system of work. I can work in group and I learn very quickly. I can play on guitar. I like ride a bike. I can upload a firmware to phone.

Krystian Skowronek

I can relate people and work in team. I can work with others and I quickly establish contacts. I am open and willing carry out activities. I am friendly. I like to help others. I can organize my system of work, I am not confrontational person. I am very systematic and I take responsibility for my duties. If I have entrusted the task, I try to do it very conscientiously. I have the ability to draw the spatial structure. I like to design and create interesting structures. I like riding a bicycle. I'm interested in the type of trance music. I can fix small electronic equipment. I can work in a team.

Michał Sokoll

I am a very patient and loyal person. I do honestly entrusted to me tasks. In stressful situations I keep a cool head. For my age I'm very responsible. My main advantage is that I am not afraid of hard work. I cooperate well with equals and older people than me. I am a typical handyman.

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