UPDATE command denied to user 'zsme_leonardo'@'localhost' for table 'leon_settings' Uczestnicy #1 - Leonardo.zsme.pl
Aktualności · Pobierz · Linki · Kontakt24 January 2025 / 14:05
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Uczestnicy #1

Sebastian Baron

I am studying in 3 – secondary school. I did a lot of simple things on my own way like install and repair system Windows problems, assembly and disassemble computing devices, combine wires. I do all my works very honestly and carry out my duties. I can organize my system of work.
I have always enjoyed working with people so it allows me to be a part of the team. I learn very quickly, various works are not problem for me. I like ridinga bicycleand scooter.

Rafał Budnik

My strengths are this mobility, persistence, diligence and patience. My area of expertise is when a car driver working in construction. I worked seasonally for the past holidays. I like riding a bicycle, a skateboard, roller-skating. I'm interested in gardening. I can take care of the garden, I can weed plants, trim the tree. I can mow the grass and I can fix small gardening tools.

Piotr Cała

I’ve just finished course of computer-aided design of objects, machines, devices in a computer program Solid Edge.
As a student I was practiced for responsible and hard work, error detection, study carefully the documentation of the device, so I became familiar with using computer-aided design Software. I easily learn new things and I am open to new challenges. I am a precise diligent, observant and patient, which in my opinion is very important in type of work. I enjoy working pressed for time. I am good at handling stress situations, where one has to act quickly and calmly. I am a creative, articulate person who finds it easy to communicate with others. I can play guitar and flute. I like classical music. I like riding a bicycle and skis. I'm interested in informatics and mobile softwares.

Bartłomiej Cywiński

I have been interested in IT trade for many years. In addition to, I can solve issues for many domain, which enables me to high efficiency of work. I like riding a bicycle, a skateboard, roller-skating. I'm interested in gardening. I can take care of the garden, I can weed plants, trim the tree. I can mow the grass and I can fix small gardening tools.

Karol Erlich

I am a third year student of the School of Engineering in Rybnik profile ICT. I think that I can create huge opportunities for development and deepening my knowledge practical. My native language is Polish, but I have a working knowledge of English. I am a friendly, organized and patient. Quickly and eager to learn, I can and I like to work in team. I like to ride a bike, skateboarding, inline skating and playing soccer.

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Projekt realizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej w ramach programu "Uczenie się przez całe życie".

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